Spring has arrived! The calendar says it’s spring, but the snow outside my window gives me serious doubts. Still, I know the white stuff will disappear in a few days (hopefully less) due to our unseasonably warm weather.
My garlic, chives and comfrey are all awake. I’ve been running flats of herbs and scented geraniums wrapped in frost blankets between the hoop house and potting shed. Mother Nature is testing me. My plants and the garden will not let her get the best of us.
Aside from my little tirade about the weather, there are many lovely things happening and growing at Bowery Beach Farm. We have a new four-season greenhouse going up next week, the base of which is finished. This past fall we received our official mail-order nursery certification and our spring orders are already rolling in. And last, but certainly not least, my first book, The Backyard Kitchen Gardener, will be published by Lyons Press next Spring (2017). Their senior editor contacted me last fall and I signed my first very first book contract.
Needless to say, we’ve been quite busy, but also quite grateful that spring has arrived!